Measure functions
Vorheriges Thema  Nächstes Thema 

Please click in the image on that option you want to learn more about.

Add table entry on right mouse button:

There are various ways for transferring the measured values to the tables.

One option is to initiate the entry using the right mouse button when the mouse

cursor is in the video image.  This option can be switched on and off from the program

options.  The other ways of entering the measured values into the table are:

In the Table menu: or using the button combination Ctrl + T.

Distance CC in XY coordinates:

Activating this option leads to all the distances being expressed in XY values.

After activating this option  all distances are stated in XY values

Angle as HMS:

A click on this button causes that the result is displayed in: hour , minute, second.

Automatic edge detection

When this option has been activated you will observe, that when clicking close

to a black edge the point clicked on is automatically set onto the edge. Please

note, that here the clicks have been set in the black area in order to find the

correct transition.

Automatic edge detection only works with saved images

Angle as HMS:

A click on this button causes that the result is displayed in:

hour , minute, second.

When the function "Excel (Keywords) inline" is activated, the image with

measured values will be transferred after the first call up of the table. Afterwards

only the measured values(without image) will be entered inline into the table.

If not activated, the measured values will also be entered into the image.


Number of decimal digits :

This click button can be used to set up to 6 decimal places after the decimal point,

depending on which calibration was selected. This selection affects all lenses.

Show measure unit in table

Displays the measured values with the chosen

measuring unit (Measurement systems)  in the tables.

Extend Measure function Angle 4C

This function is used to determine the lead of twisted coolant bores of raw

bars for the production of inner coolant drills with two or more round coolant

bores which have an equal diameter, as well as the following measurements:

Diameter of the raw bar

Distance between the centres of the coolant bores

Centre-offset of the coolant bores 

Diameter of coolant bore 1 and 2