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The grid shows lines at a fixed horizontal and vertical

spacing; the spacing is entered when starting this

function. When entering, a value a check is made to

see if a sensible display is possible.

The grid can be used e.g. together with the "Count"

function to replace counting chambers on microscopes.

The full grid can be positioned on the screen, either by

opening and moving a hair cross or by using the

cursor control.

Opening a grid opens a dialog window in which the

spacing of the lines of the grid has to be specified.

Confirming with “OK” or with the enter button closes

the dialog window and draws the horizontal and

vertical grid lines at the spacing you have just entered.

If the value entered for the spacing results in a

display of less than 2 or more than 40 lines, the

program opens a window to advise you of this error.

Now select a suitable spacing, which will give a grid

with a more sensible display. You can use the

displayed scale as an aid to this.