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This menu brings together all the setting options, which are not related to the active

frame grabber.

Please click in the image on that setting

you want to learn more about.

Some of the functions are password-protected. As delivered, these passwords in the

program have no value - in other words the set-up screens can be opened without having

to enter a password.

If the password has to be changed (menu item Change password) then a password

containing at least 4 digits (alphanumeric)  has to be entered. This password is shown

concealed and has to be confirmed.

CAUTION: all the setting functions and passwords are protected by an encryption algorithm

and stored in the file Measure program.opt. It is not possible for the user to decode this file. Make sure

that you never forget your password, otherwise you will no longer be able to access the settings

stored in your opt. file. In that case you will have to copy in the file again from the installation

and repeat all the setting and calibration procedures once again.