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A second instance of the METRIC program can be started from the toolbar.

This can be used to display another live image on the monitor from a second

frame grabber card or camera. The size of both instances is adjusted so that there is

room for them both to appear side by side on the screen. The master and the slave

instances are linked together by the functions F5 (live image/still image) and "Stop",

i.e. two live images from the cameras are frozen at the same time.

If the master instance is closed then the slave instance also receives the command to

close. If only the slave instance is closed the master instance returns to full size.

Important: both instances can be calibrated independently of the other.

If the computer does not have a second frame grabber card or camera the slave instance

opens without a live image. In this case only saved images can be read in for comparison.

Several instances of the measurement program can be open at the same time. The second and

all subsequent instances are opened at half screen size on the right edge of the window.

The first instance of the measurement program must be able to find a valid frame grabber,

otherwise it will close.

The program options can be used to activate DoubleCheck automatically with the start

of the program.