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The following screen is used to set up the overlay. Click on the buttons to learn more.

Load overlay picture:

This button opens a file selection window. The image loaded appears in the small

window to the left. You can use the check box "Overlay active" to switch the overlay

function on and off.

The fader allows an overlay between live (or still) image and the overlay image of

between 0 and 100%. CAUTION: The calculation of a new overlay density requires

high processing power. When the overlay is active there may therefore be a delay in

system response time to user entries.

Add image from measurement window:

The overlay has been given an additional function, which allows the image currently

displayed in the Metric measurement window to be adopted as the overlay. This

function is useful if you have large original images. Up till now it was only possible

to load the upper left corner of a large image into the overlay. Now you first load the

image into the Metric measurement window and then move the appropriate segment

of the image in the measurement window using the sliders. Then switch to the overlay

screen and copy the current section of the image to the overlay background.

Copy measure window as edges:

When this function has been carried out the image in the measurement window is

recalculated as a pure black-and-white image. This means that no grey scales are

present and that virtually only the edges are shown. The new image can be used

as an overlay on a live image in order to compare contours. Only the white

contours in the live image  (edges) are visible, the black areas are not displayed.

The white contours can be shown more or less strongly in the image by using the

overlay slider.


This way of displaying the edges can also be used to check the quality of the

images for the automatic edge location.

The live image was deliberately selected so that the blending in is more visible.

If the overlay is active the overlay slider can be used to vary the strength of the

blending of the measurement lines.  Blending in overlay using slider in the lower

area at 40%, lines are relatively weak.

Overlay slider in the upper area (80%), lines are shown more strongly and are continuous.

The sliders to the right of and below the preview image can be used to shift

and rotate the overlay image on the live image.

Auto Toggle

If the Auto Toggle and the overlay function are activated, the overlay is faded

in and out.  The change is selectable between 0.1s and 10s.