Multiform mask
Vorheriges Thema  Nächstes Thema 

This screen allows you to enter an elementary shape (circle, circle with

tolerance rings, ellipse, square, rectangle, regular polygon), which then

is drawn again and again on the screen until the whole area of the

screen is filled. The input screen is as shown below.

The fields Horiz. spacing, Vert. spacing and Line offset define how 

the elementary objects are arranged on the screen.  For the objects

"Square", "Rectangle" and "Regular Polygon" a skew angle for the

object can also be entered related to the individual lines.

The two last fields are used depending on the object selected.

Circle: enter the diameter

Circle with tolerance rings: enter the diameter of the circle, - enter the

tolerance towards the bottom, + enter the tolerance towards the top

Ellipse: enter the two diameters

Square: enter the length of the sides

Rectangle: enter the two side lengths

Regular polygon: enter the diameter and the number of corners

The Preview button shows you a preview in the small window

The OK button switches on the selected function and leaves this screen

The Close button closes the multiform mask and leaves the screen.