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Circular area

Clicking on three points on the circumference of the circle to be

measured draws the circle and displays the result in the status bar.


Clicking on up to 100 points on the video image creates any desired,

closed polygon curve; the area inside the curve is calculated. The

program automatically prevents lines from overlapping. The polygon

closed either by clicking on the starting point or by clicking with the

mouse button. The polygon is then drawn in and the value of the closed

area calculated. The result is shown in the status bar.


Freehand shape

This function calculates the area of a freehand shape. Any shape can

be entered on the video image by pressing and holding down the left

mouse button and moving the mouse. The program automatically

prevents passing across the edge. The freehand shape is closed either

by moving the mouse pointer back to the starting point or by releasing

the left mouse button and then clicking on the right mouse button. The

freehand shape is drawn in and the enclosed area calculated. The

result is shown in the status bar.