Manual calibration
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Manual calibration:

This command is used to calibrate the current lens / measurement system.

To make the calibration, an image of an object must be shown in the work

area, and the dimensions of this object must be known (e.g. a calibration scale).

The "Calibration" command is protected by a password. When the measurement program is

installed for the first time no password exists as yet. Please make sure you

enter a password after carrying out a successful calibration so that unauthorised

persons cannot change the system values.

When you have called up this function a coloured line and an input window should

be visible in the work area. If the line is not shown please click once in the work

area. The line should then be visible. Drag both ends of the line to the length, which

corresponds to the reference object referred to above. Now click in the input

window and enter the value for the length, without units. You can select the desired

units from the drop down list under Modify measurement system.

To play back a demo video click on the button:


Video examples

Automatic calibration: only with versions Plus and MT