Intersection points
Vorheriges Thema  Nächstes Thema 

At the construction “Point“, made from two objects, the point of intersection will be entered into the table and the "Construct object" window  after clicking on “Construct”.

                       1.        Point from two multi point lines

                       2.        Point from multi point line and multi point circle

                       3.        Point from two multi point circles

Point of intersection calculated by lengthening the lines.

The point of intersection of a line and a circle is depending on which object

has been clicked first. In our example object 1 was clicked on before object 2.

The result is the green point of intersection at number 3.

The point of intersection of two circles is also resulting from the order in which

the objects were marked. In this example object 1 has been marked first and then 

object 2. The result is the green point of intersection at number 3.