Field of view table
Vorheriges Thema  Nächstes Thema 

The technical dates are subdued to the normal unsteadiness of optical tolerances.                            

                        The fields of view have to be tolerated with  +/- 5% 

Field of view / Sensor Size

1/2" Chip

1/3" Chip

without converter

13 - 52 mm

9 - 36 mm

       with 0.75 converter

17 - 70 mm

12 - 49 mm

       with 2.0   converter

6.5 - 16 mm

4.5 - 11 mm

with 0.75 and 2.0 converter

6.5 - 60 mm

4.5 - 42 mm

The objective is made for a maximum sensor size of  2/3".

When using a  2/3" camera the corresponding values result from multiplication of 1/3”

camera values with 2.
